Friday, 15 January 2016

Clever Bait & Capture

This is the type of flyer/advertisement you see a lot of in January:

Yes, January always means getting fit and 'detoxing'.  And though this postal flyer asserts that their programme helps people to feel free from toxins that would otherwise 'impede one mentally and spiritually,' it isn't clear that it's actually from a religious organisation.  The leaflet refers the reader to the 'Purification Rundown' with an invitation to take a 'toxic test.'  In order to take this test, one must provide contact details.  And there - they've got you. You have to look at the tiny small print on the bottom of the fourth page of the promotional material to see that this programme and the book for sale, Clear Body Clear Mind by L. Ron Hubbard, are being marketed by the Church of Scientology. Let me repeat that: the organisation that is recommending a body detox through fee-based books and education programmes is a church.

I don't have a problem with detox programmes or religion.  But what I do feel is disingenuous here is that the Church of Scientology has never been upfront about what it believes about ultimate reality to prospective members.  And why is that?  I've been asking that question to those who send me emails from the CofS for years.  And still don't have an answer. 

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