As Christians, we obviously already know a great deal about Judaism from the Old Testament. Nevertheless, a Jewish service is something very different from ours: the language, the traditional vestments and the layout of the temple. It felt as though I was not just in the church of another faith, but in a totally different culture. Around half-way through the service, the rabbi and elders went to the tabernacle, collected the enormous Torah scrolls and brought them round to the lectern which was located in the centre of the room surrounded by a wooden balustrade.
For next hour or so there was a recitation of scripture – a sort of chanting that was something between singing and speaking. As the priest read, an elder chimed in on occasion; I was told that the young priest was actually being corrected for his pronunciation, as reciting the vowel-less Hebrew is apparently quite difficult.
There is so much that we Christians share with our Jewish
cousins, and I found much to admire about their religious devotion, commitment
to family & tradition, as well as their cultural courage and fortitude. I love the bar mitzvah/bat mitzvah milestone –
we don’t have anything really like this in either in the Christian faith or British
culture. When a Jewish teenager becomes
an adult, it’s much more than a symbolic exercise; it’s the teen telling the
world that they are now responsible for their thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Before that point, it’s the family that's held accountable for the actions and attitudes of the young person. The Gospel Coalition's Jeremy Pierre put this idea well in a recent blog:
Our early relational experiences - particularly with those entrusted with our care - are incredibly shaping. That's not a bad thing. In fact, it's part of God's design for human development. Through fathers and mothers, children receive a framework for understanding the world and everything in it, from important things like morality to relatively trivial things like clothing styles. Why else would God be so adamant that parents teach their children the knowledge of him in the context of the everyday activities of life (Deut 6:7, 11:19)? And alongside the words they speak, parents model the character of God in their affection for, generosity to, and patience with their children (Psalm 103:13).
Adulthood in Judaism is more than financial, work and academic obligations; it’s taking responsibility for the way one lives one’s life.
Our early relational experiences - particularly with those entrusted with our care - are incredibly shaping. That's not a bad thing. In fact, it's part of God's design for human development. Through fathers and mothers, children receive a framework for understanding the world and everything in it, from important things like morality to relatively trivial things like clothing styles. Why else would God be so adamant that parents teach their children the knowledge of him in the context of the everyday activities of life (Deut 6:7, 11:19)? And alongside the words they speak, parents model the character of God in their affection for, generosity to, and patience with their children (Psalm 103:13).
Adulthood in Judaism is more than financial, work and academic obligations; it’s taking responsibility for the way one lives one’s life.
After the sermon, there was a time for communal prayer which
included those for the Israeli Defence Forces and the Royal Family. I thought it particularly ironic that I was
visiting just after the photos of Prince Harry in Las Vegas were posted on the
internet. It’s one thing to have the
tabloids and public sniggering; quite another to know that thousands of your
countrymen and women are actually praying for your well-being.
There’s so much more I’d like to understand about the Jewish
faith, like British Jewish views about Jesus, the various Christian
denominations and the situation in the Middle East. I’d like to know more about the Shekinah and
its importance in the word and faith of Jewish believers. I’d also like to do further research into the
history of the Kabbalah movement, what its great appeal is to people who aren’t
heirs to the Jewish faith by birth and whether there are any meditative or
contemplative practices associated with Jewish spirituality. I’d welcome any thoughts or experiences from
readers on these subjects.
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